Tag Archives: Market Info

NHS targets foreign markets

British Hospital Trusts are being encouraged to set up hospitals abroad in a bid to take advantage of the NHS’s reputation and level of service and export the NHS brand. It is hoped that foreign branches will return profits to the trusts. This is believed to be the next stage in medical tourism which will see healthcare providers travelling to provide local services for patients.      Medical tourism experts believe that patients want to be treated close to home. As a result leading hospital groups are now moving into developing countries. To capitalise on this, the British government is establishing a new interdepartmental group called Healthcare UK. Trade officials based overseas will … Continue reading

Dental Implant Market Research

Here are the main points from our guest post on the current state of the dental implant market at the Dental Implant Blog:   The market for implant, restorative, and regenerative dentistry, was valued at £3.2 billion in 2011. The market for dental implants alone was valued at £2 billion. Dental implants are a luxury product in economic terms and the market has been negatively affected by the global recession. 2009 was the first year the global market contracted. Since then it has stablised except in Europe where it continued to decline in 2011. Europeans consume a larger value of dental implants than any other region. See graph. The three main implant producers … Continue reading

Euro Dental Implant Market Reseach

According to Millennium Research Group (MRG), the global authority on medical technology market intelligence, the European market for dental implants will grow slowly through 2016. Since reimbursement for dental implants is limited, and most expenses are out-of-pocket, this market has been strongly affected by the economic downturn, particularly in Italy and Spain. The overall market will contract in 2012 and then slowly resume growth.   In response to economic conditions, many dentists have switched to lower-priced products, allowing them to provide more affordable implants and thus continue to perform procedures and maintain profit margins. Opportunities at this lower-priced end of the market have attracted smaller low-cost players from outside of … Continue reading

Dental Implant Market Research

10% annual growth forecast for North American Dental Implant Market   According to Millennium Research Group (MRG), the global authority on medical technology market intelligence, increasing patient awareness and demand and a widening pool of non-specialist dentists (also known as dental general practitioners, or GPs) qualifying to perform dental implant procedures will enable the North American dental implant market to grow strongly at an average annual rate of 10 percent till 2016.   Patients are increasingly requesting dental implants rather than bridges and other traditional treatments. Clinical evidence continues to emerge demonstrating the advantages of dental implants, including decreased bone loss, more secure tooth placement and longer life span. Though … Continue reading

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