Dentsply Ankylos Implants

The company was established in Germany in 1974 as part of a state government program with the goal of developing ceramic implants. It launched its popular Ankylos implant system in 1994. In 2001 the company was acquired by US NASDAQ listed company Dentsply International. In 2011, the group turned over €2.1bn whilst Dentsply Friadent subsidiary had sales of €148m. It produces dental implants and bone regeneration products. Its two most relevant implant systems are:


  • Ankylos Implants were launched in 1994. It is suitable for all clinical indications – with its predictable, natural esthetics and top mechanical stability. The tapered connection is designed for initial and long-term tissue stability.
  • Xive Implants were launched in 2001. Its innovative thread design and preparation technique allows increased primary stability in all bone classes. The system allows surgeons alot of flexibility and is suitable for challenging indications.


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